Thursday, November 8, 2007

Natural Stimulants

We awoke this morning to a hand-sized spider on the ceiling above the kitchen. Now that will get you going in the morning. Forget coffee - just order up a hand-sized spider and watch it frolic while you try to sweep it out the door. Even the dog wanted no part of it. Thankfully, it was the size of M's hand. If it had been the size of my hand, I would've run screaming like a girl. It was also polite, eventually hopping onto the broom and waiting there while I walked to the fence and hurled the little bastard across the street into my neighbors' yard. I looked it up and found that this species eats bugs which is good but is referred to as a Wall Crab which doesn't help take the edge off the sprawling, eight-legged hairy menace looking down at you.

"Oh look. There's Frank, our pet Wall Crab. He's a sweetheart."